Our Partners

Our partners are the key to our organization. We choose to strategically align ourselves with ministry partners who are actively supporting the world’s under resourced and most needy populations.
We have selected six areas of ministry that we’re committed to supporting. These ministry opportunities are areas that we believe are critical to the well being of individuals and communities.

Ministry Opportunities
Ministry Partners

Timo & Marie Shely
Timo Shely is a God gifted servant-evangelist who has travelled to 30 different countries proclaiming the Good News. He baptizes many and delivers messages of repentance and hope in the jungles, on the streets, in churches, schools, and prisons. His ministry focuses on Europe, Africa and South America.
Sunbeam Kids International - The Taylors
The Taylors work directly in training indigenous pastors, evangelists/church planters, children’s workers and leaders for the work of carrying the Gospel into the villages of Cambodia. They provide active, hands-on training through their “Timothy” program where young men and woman are being trained and discipled by mature and seasoned leaders for the work of the ministry.